Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Plein air sketch

I had a great time painting plein air with Arne yesterday.
The sun was setting fast, so we had only about an hour to do a little sketch. In this hour, the sunlight changed dramatically, so we had to make descisions really fast. Having limited time is always good to stay extra focused, and also I find the light and colors of a sunset very beautiful.
This is me and my primitive setup...

And this is Arne, who works a bit more sophisticated...

And his painting... 


  1. Heel leuk om te zien Wouter! Mooie levendige penseel-streken...
    Ik neem me elk jaar voor om eens plein-air te gaan schilderen maar het komt er helaas (nog) niet van.

  2. Dank je. Het is niet zo moeilijk te realiseren, hoor. zeker wanneer je met gouache aan de slag gaat. deze is in een uurtje gemaakt... Succes er mee, ik ben benieuwd wat je gaat maken.

  3. This is the real life!

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  5. Anonymous6:47 AM

