Friday, April 15, 2011

Plein air study

Persoonshaven , Rotterdam, April 15th 2011 .
On a sunny morning like this, the light changes extremely fast... It is best to define the placement of the shadows first, so you can still keep consistent lighting, when the sun is moving on...
It can also be a good thing to limit the time to do the sketch, so the initial idea remains intact. After an hour, the scene has changed completely...


  1. Beautiful!More of this please!:O)

  2. Mooi licht. Schitterend, hoe je met die paarse toetsen toch dat donkere deel naar de voorgrond weet te trekken...

  3. Nice study, was it done on the moleskine you describe in your last tutorial (so: is it small)?

    I do love gouache, but I alternately get "decent" and disastrous results. What troubles me more is the shift in value when it dries, sometimes it drives me crazy.
    Any suggestions or tricks to cope with this problem?

  4. I like the present of the light!

  5. Anonymous2:12 PM

    really nice painting, I like the in and out of the shadows. Are you using gouache or water color?

  6. Thanks everyone!
    @Mario: painting with gouach a lot will help you to 'get to know' your paints. Experience will allow you to anticipate on this effect.
    @Noah: This one was done completely with gouache. I do use watercolor often for the initial washes. I love the depth of watercolor, and it is a beautiful contrast with the opaque look of gouache.
