Monday, April 18, 2011

Plein air study

Quick gouache sketch at the end of the day...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Plein air study

Persoonshaven , Rotterdam, April 15th 2011 .
On a sunny morning like this, the light changes extremely fast... It is best to define the placement of the shadows first, so you can still keep consistent lighting, when the sun is moving on...
It can also be a good thing to limit the time to do the sketch, so the initial idea remains intact. After an hour, the scene has changed completely...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Illusration for Quest magazine. The illuustration accompanies a story explaining the dutch expression: "Heilig boontje" (Sacred bean)

Monday, April 04, 2011

Plein air

Yesterday's plein air sketch. Gouache on moleskine sketchbook.

I used only a few colors for this painting:
-Titanium white
-Gold ochre (W&N)
-Burnt Umber
-Greenish yellow (talens)
-Turquoise blue

I created most of the painting with only these colors. In the end, I added a few accents with:
-vermillon (traffic lights and the barriers)
-Cad yellow (foliage in the back left)